Sao Địch Nổi Sắc Đẹp Tuyệt Trần
Les Belles (2025)
Tiên Đài Có Cây
Love of the Divine Tree (2025)
Đoạt Vợ
Stolen Love (2025)
Thanh Trâm Hành
The Golden Hairpin (2025)
Đại Phụng Đả Canh Nhân
Guardians of the Dafeng (2024)
Thiên Đóa Đào Hoa Nhất Thế Khai
The Blossoming Love (2024)
Tỏa Hồng Nhan
May Your Heart Be Like Mine (2025)
Hán Sở Song Tranh
The Story of Han Dynasty (2005)
Dạ Vị Ương
The Night is Still Young (2024)
Võ Lâm Truyền Kỳ
The Saga of The Lost Kingdom (1988)
Vạn Gia Truyền Thuyết
The Vixen's Tale (1989)
Vương Trùng Dương
Rage and Passion (1992)
Lò Võ Thiếu Lâm
The Heroes From Shaolin (1993)
Công Tử Vô Song
Shameless Lover (2024)
Thục Sơn Kỳ Hiệp 2: Tiên Lữ Kỳ Duyên
The Zu Mountain Saga (1991)
Thục Sơn Kỳ Hiệp
The Gods And Demons Of Zu Mountain (1990)
Lưỡng Diện Nhân
Unnatural Born Killer (1996)
Anh Hùng Nặng Vai
Weapons of Power (1997)
Mộng Nam Kha
Fate's Crossing Nan & Ke (2024)
Thâm Cung Sâu Từng Bước
Love Story of Court Enemies (2020)
The Great Revival, also known as Wo Xin Chang Dan, is a Chinese television series based on the conflict between the Yue and Wu states during the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history. The Chinese title of the series comes from a Chinese idiom derived from King Goujian of Yue's perseverance in overcoming the odds to revive his fallen state of Yue and conquer the rival state of Wu. The series was first broadcast on CCTV-8 in mainland China in January 2007. Diễn viên trong phim: Chen Daoming, Hu Jun, Ady An, Zuo Xiaoqing, Tianyong Zheng, Zhihui Chen, Ma Jingwu, Ding Yongdai, Zhao Shengsheng
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