Sáu Chị Em
Six Sisters (2025)
Dưới Tán Cây Có Ngôi Nhà Mái Đỏ
Always Home (2025)
Sao Địch Nổi Sắc Đẹp Tuyệt Trần
Les Belles (2025)
Tiên Đài Có Cây
Love of the Divine Tree (2025)
Mồi Câu Nguy Hiểm
Hook Bait (2025)
Lý Cẩu Oa
Legal Boy (2025)
Phó Nhận
Born to Die (2025)
Mỹ Nhân Trở Về
Return of Fated Love (2025)
Chưởng Tâm
Kill My Sins (2025)
Chiếm Hữu Khương Tây
Grab Your Love (2025)
Khó Dỗ Dành
The First Frost (2025)
Mạn Thành
City of Romance (2025)
Vũ Ái Thiên Kim
Rainkissed Fate (2025)
Ám Hương Lai
Scent of New Dawn (2025)
Tâm Linh Mê Vụ
Lies Never Lie (2025)
Trên Đống Tro Tàn
The Embers (2025)
Phong Tịch Chí
Legacy of the Storm (2025)
Cây Ô Liu Màu Trắng
The White Olive Tree (2025)
Đề Thi Đẫm Máu
Evil Minds (2015)
Thước Đao Môn Truyền Kỳ (Phần 2)
Legend of the Undercover Chef (Season 2) (2025)
Bong (Adam Cheng) blamed Sing (Kwan Hoi San) for abandoning his mother and refused to acknowledge him as his father even he was one of the richest men in town. He loved and admired his foster father Kin (Bow Fong), who was a retired cop. He and his brother Lap (Gallen Lo) followed Kin’s footsteps and joined the force. Bong’s half-brother Kei (Poon Chi Man) was involved in a murder case and Bong in turn got suspended since his superior Kin (Julian Cheung) suspected he was Kei’s conspirator. Fortunately, he was proved innocent by Hang (Eddie Cheung)...... Diễn viên trong phim: Trịnh Thiếu Thu, La Gia Lương, Trương Trí Lâm, Ngũ Vịnh Vy, Trần Tùng Linh, Tuyên Huyên, Cổ Thiên Lạc, Trần Chỉ Thanh
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